
Living collectively

Living collectively

What do I enjoy most? The way the kids lift you up, force you in the present moment, challenge you and adore you. Living in the collective is a very gentle way of always being under a microscope. You are constantly reflected and shown yourself by the people around you, something you could ignore if you are not living collectively. I enjoy the trust that we have in each other - knowing that you can turn to the person next to you and say: Help! This is difficult! Or asking to go for an ice cream in the middle of the night.




What do I enjoy most? The way the kids lift you up, force you in the present moment, challenge you and adore you. Living in the collective is a very gentle way of always being under a microscope. You are constantly reflected and shown yourself by the people around you, something you could ignore if you are not living collectively. I enjoy the trust that we have in each other - knowing that you can turn to the person next to you and say: Help! This is difficult! Or asking to go for an ice cream in the middle of the night.