
Aims and Ethos


Tomorrow’s generation is empowered to be the catalyst of inspired change


We support our pupils to fulfil their spiritual, social
and academic potential, by providing 

    • the security of a loving family environment, 
    • stimulating learning experiences, 
    • artistic and creative activities, 
    • and through the practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation

CISS puts the development of human and social aspects first. Everyone in the school from, kitchen staff to teacher, contributes to a physically and emotionally safe and secure setting that establishes a strong sense of trust and confidence among children and staff. 

We do not work with computer screens, but let children experience the full intricacy and diversity of the world, of nature and of learning. We enable children to express themselves confidently through their hands, body and mind in the performing and visual arts and through craftsmanship. 

All of this is built on the foundation of a deep spiritual connection with the divine and the blissful state of thoughtless awareness that we achieve through Sahaja Yoga meditation.

Our Values