

At Cabella International Sahaja School, our pedagogy aims to integrate an international outlook for our curriculum that consists of both traditional, research and project-based approaches to nurture the best in our students, and enable them to flourish in their environment both here, and at home. 

As a result of the special relation between teachers and students due to small class sizes, we thoroughly encourage them to be creative while developing their autonomy in learning. Where support is needed, be it emotional or educational, we imbibe methods from Sahaja Yoga to gently guide the students to their point of equilibrium. 

In this manner, CISS’s learning culture is based on 3 main values:


– A compassionate approach

– Listening to the needs of the children

– Towards autonomy through self-confidence


– Connect the different dimensions of development in our students

    – Emotions and learning

    – Inner state/ mindset and learning

    – The spiritual dimension through the meditation

– Integrate the learning in daily life and daily life in the learning

    – Every situation is an opportunity to learn

    – Everyone can teach me something

    – Connect the reality of the children to the subjects they are learning

– Multiple pedagogical approaches

    – Traditional

    – Project-based

    – Research-based approach


– Know thyself

– Growth mindset

– Explore and express their potential